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European School Education Platform


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Projects (120)

The project's aim is to make new friends and communicate with them in English, as well as get to know their hometowns and cultural heritage.

Exchanging Easter cards with students from different schools

Education begins with games. Children of this century spend a lot of time with today's digital games. However, these games are not sufficient for our physical, cognitive, social and language...

Different cultures and their unique dishes, eating habits, geography, effects of social and cultural events on food culture

Il progetto RISCOPRIAMO LE NOSTRE CULTURE renderà gli studenti delle nuove generazioni consapevoli dell'importanza delle proprie tradizioni e culture e di far loro conoscere usi e costumi di altri...

The aim of the project is to exchange handmade Christmas cards with wishes written in English and mother tongue and to prepare presentations about Christmas traditions in different countries.

Sustainability means to maintain the sources itself either by natural or social. As for sustainable fashion, it stands against consuming or throwing old clothes into the rubbish bin. On the contrary...

National Quality Label

*The students are going to find a family heirloom and present it to the listeners while explaning the reasons why it is important to them. They can shoot short videos and present it to the listeners...

National Quality Label