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European School Education Platform


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Projects (17)

After interest of teachers and students, beautiful experiences and cooperation with other students and teachers, I am relaunching this project World Letter Writing Day 3 with my colleague Dorina...

This project tries to awaken in students curiosity, research and knowledge sharing about their local past and the aspects that most characterize it, such as: monuments, legends, local history...

National Quality Label

Hello, we are two teachers: Italian and French and we would like to celebrate the 'European Day of Languages' on September 26, 2021. We could send you postcards from France and Italy with messages...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

This is a very flexible project design, where content is shared in padlets, making it possible for teachers to create long distance teaching that is creative and innovative . It is an open and...

Со овој проект сакаме учениците со попреченост , учениците од редовните училишта да ги запознаеме со двата празници.На 14 февруари христијаните, верниците од православна вероисповед го празнуваат...

National Quality Label

Climate change is one of the biggest threats facing our planet. Bad weather conditions that cause both physical and economic damages will become more frequent and the national economies will face the...

National Quality Label

Today, city life affects human values negatively. As a result, people are selfish and unable to understand others. With this project, we want to raise the awareness of young students as tolerant...

National Quality Label

Every child likes to play games. Gamification in education today is the great way to connect games that kids love with educational process. This can make lesson better and more interesting. In this...

National Quality Label