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European School Education Platform


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Projects (30)

Project „Math without frontiers“ is an innovative approach in study of mathematics with interactions and learning with game elements. Students will acquire mathematical terms, concepts and skills...

Projektom Krila muzike želimo povećati interesovanje učenika za ovu vrstu umetnosti a nastavnike podstaći na korišććenje inovativnih metoda u nastavi koje bi se tokom projekta prezentovale učesnicima...

To raise awareness of the importance of water for plants, animals and people’s health as well as our responsibility in protecting water sources

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

Želja nam je istražiti i prezentirati saznanja o božićnim običajima našeg zavičaja u prošlosti, o božićnim čestitkama u prošlosti i tradicijskim božićnim jelima.. Učenici će učiti i spoznavati...

Children are naturally curious and this curiosity is like the motivation that starts a scientific discovery. This project will be realized with the education program called "Great inventions in...

National Quality Label

Apple Day is an annual celebration of apples and orchards, held in October. It traditionally falls on 21 October, the date of the first such event in 1990, but events are held throughout the month...

National Quality Label

This project tries to awaken in students curiosity, research and knowledge sharing about their local past and the aspects that most characterize it, such as: monuments, legends, local history...

National Quality Label

Easter is considered the greatest Christian holiday. Eggs, Easter cake and lamb are three of its main symbols. Every year Christians paint eggs. Our idea is to create characters from these eggs, and...

National Quality Label