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European School Education Platform


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Projects (24)

With our project, we will students in need of special education to create stories with artificial intelligence. We will create a common story book containing stories created by students in need of...

Our project has been prepared in order to transfer our forgotten children's games to future generations, and to prepare students for the next level of education by developing basic movements, active...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

With this project; Based on 4-11 Years STEM education; Science, mathematics, chemistry, courses that are suitable for education and to be taught in natural events. Students will experience the nature...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

Každé spolupracující školské zařízení by nahrálo video či audio verzi nějaké koledy či vánoční písně. Z těch bychom následně vytvořili zpěvník, který bychom sdíleli na YouTube či TwinSpace.

National Quality Label

This is a very flexible project design, where content is shared in padlets, making it possible for teachers to create long distance teaching that is creative and innovative . It is an open and...

Aileleri tarafından ihmal edilen, baskı altında tutulan, sınırlarını öğrenemeyen, arkadaş desteği görmeyen kimi öğrenciler kendilerini zorbalık ve şiddetle ifade etmeye çalışmaktadırlar. Bu şiddet...

Coding activities within the scope of Code CodeWeek “and“ Code4All ettir is a global movement that has reached 10 millions of students every year in more than 180 countries around the world in order...

National Quality Label

Our project is about exploring Europe, through song, opera, ballet, culture, history and art in general. They also include talking to students in a forum or meeting live. Students speak English, but...

National Quality Label