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European School Education Platform


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Projects (26656)

Collaborate with peers from eTwinning partner schools to work together and draw a self-portrait to celebrate the spectrum of the skin colour and diversity. Students draw themselves and mix paint to...

Kids from 4 countries are on an agent-mission: There will be tasks for the pupils to do. At the same time learning about themselves, the others and things that join us all together. During the...

Projekt binjakëzimi e shkollës jopublike "Sarina 2002" me shkollën 9-vjeçare "Shefki Muçllari"Vërdovë, Pogradec Nxënësit e klasave të treta të shkollës sonë do të shkëmbejnë mesazhi urimi dhe do të...

A exploração da cor com recurso à metodologia STEAM oferece uma oportunidade extraordinária para integrar o conhecimento do pré-escolar, 1º, 2º e 3º ciclos, unindo disciplinas e promovendo a...

The children make a drawing of themselves and their family members.

During the project we’ll be creating things from rubbish and other materials - only natural ones, to not litter the world more. I have created all the project with tasks. I just need somebody to carry...

Criação poética colaborativa em grupo-turma. Tema/mote: natureza Ilustração dos poemas

Pesquisa sobre os medos na infância e na adolescência em várias línguas