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European School Education Platform


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Showing 25 results
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Abdelkader Hnichi Lycée Chebbi (Tunisia) Yes
Adelina SILVA Escola Secundária de Paços de Ferreira (Portugal) Yes
ADEM SOYLU Sadettin Gökçepınar İlkokulu (Turkey) Yes
adnan salman Kumluca Anadolu Lisesi (Turkey) Yes
Adrian Lubas Zespół Szkół Nr 2 w Rzeszowie (Poland) Yes
Adriana Vančová Gymnázium, Školská 2, Dubnica nad Váhom (Slovakia) Yes
Agnieszka Gołębiewska Centrum Edukacji Zawodowej i Ustawicznej "Kopernik" w Wyszkowie (Poland) Yes
Agrupamento de Escolas de Valdevez AEV No
Ahmet ATİK Beyşehir İlçe Milli eğitim Müdürlüğü (Turkey) Yes
Ahmet Taşdemir Ordu Büyükşehir Belediyesi İkizce Anadolu İmam Hatip Lisesi (Turkey) Yes
AIKATERINI TOUSKA 1o EPAL Agriniou (Greece) Yes
aiora basterretxea Sagrado Corazon Ikastetxea (Spain) Yes
aldina mendes Agrupamento de Escolas de Carregal do Sal (Portugal) Yes
Alejandro Quintela Fernández Fundación Instituto Técnico Industrial (Spain) Yes
Alejandro Sierra Sánchez IES Diego Torrente Pérez (Spain) Yes
Alessandra Bernini IIS "Martino Bassi" (Italy) Yes
ALESSANDRO GARIANO ENJOY ITALY di Alessandro Gariano (Italy) No
Alex Forasté Centre Escolar Emporda (Spain) Yes
Alexandra Haller Abt-Hermann-Vogler Schule (Germany) Yes
Alexandra Steffl Berufsschule für Bürokaufleute (Austria) Yes
Ali Daver Atayurt İlkokulu (Turkey) Yes
Alicja Piwnik Zespół Szkół Ekonomiczno-Gastronomicznych im. Stanisława Staszica w Otwocku (Poland) Yes
Alisa Bravić Srednja zubotehnička škola, Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina) Yes
aliye naharoğlu Behçet Necatiğil İlkokulu (Turkey) Yes