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European School Education Platform


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Showing 25 results
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Abeer Khrissat Khalda Secondary School (Jordan) Yes
Abeer Seder Aljwaeda the second Primary Mixed School (Jordan) Yes
Abeer Shdeifat Jaber Alsarhan Primary School (Jordan) Yes
Abiud Bosire Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (Germany) Yes
Achim Werner Städt. Anno-Gymnasium Siegburg (Germany) Yes
Adelheid Orth Max-Planck-Gymnasium Ludwigshafen (Germany) Yes
Ahmad Farik Mua'ath Bin Jbal Primary School (Jordan) Yes
Ahmad shdeifat Amra and Omaira Secondary School for Boys (Jordan) Yes
Ala Paiu Centrul de Excelenţă în Înformatică şi Tehnologii Informaţionale (Republic of Moldova) Yes
Ala Radu Liceul Teoretic ”Iulia Hasdeu” (Republic of Moldova) Yes
Ala'a Al Rashdan AlAshrafieah Primary School for boys (Jordan) Yes
Alaa Aljrarwa Princess Basma Secondery School (Jordan) Yes
Alexander Chaves Wilhelm-Kaisen-Oberschule (Germany) Yes
Alexander Gross Friedrich-Albert Lange Berufskolleg (Germany) Yes
Alexandra Haller Abt-Hermann-Vogler Schule (Germany) Yes
Alexandra Rotzinger Warenberg Grundschule (Germany) Yes
Alexandra Sagri Europäische Schule München / Grundschule (Germany) Yes
Alexandra Weber Regiomontanus Gymnasium (Germany) Yes
Alexandros KOFTEROS Δημοτικό Σχολείο Δασούπολης (ΚΒ) - Primary School Dasoupolis (KB) (Cyprus) Yes
Alfons Scholten Theodor-Fliedner-Gymnasium der EKiR (Germany) Yes
ali dbabi Yarmouk University Model School (Jordan) Yes
Alina Ciorici Centrul de Excelență în Transporturi (Republic of Moldova) Yes
Amadeus Teßmann Richard-Hallmann-Schule Trappenkamp Gemeinschaftsschule mit Oberstufe (Germany) Yes
Amani Algosheh Ministry Of Education (Jordan) Yes
Amani Suleiman Um Waraqa Alansaria (Jordan) Yes