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European School Education Platform
Teacher Educator
eTwinning validated

Maria Prentaki

Dr Panagiotes Anastasiades is a Professor in the Department of Primary Education, UoC and Head of the e-Learning Lab. He is a Tutor Counselor at the Hellenic Open University on Open and Distance Learning. He was Visiting Assistant Professor in the Dpt. of Computer Engineering and Informatics at the University of Patras and Visiting Lecturer in the Dpt. of Computer Science at the University of Cyprus. He has the scientific responsibility of the design and implementation of an e-learning environment adopted and developed for the continuous training of teachers who teach Greek as a second/foreign language through e-learning titled «PAIDEIA OMOGENWN» funded by the Greek Ministry of Education and the EU. He has been vice-president of the Pedagogical Institute of Greece and has the scientific responsibility of the “National Teachers Training Project”.
His research interests focus on:
- School Distance Education: "ODYSSEUS" project
- Lifelong and Distance Learning via Advanced Learning Internet Technologies
- Interactive Videoconferencing
- Social & Educational Informatics
- ICT & Creativity Pedagogy, Collaborative Creativity

Τhe “eLearning Lab” was founded under the name “Laboratory for Advanced Learning Technologies in Lifelong and Distance learning” within the Department of Primary Education at the University of Crete.
The ​eLearning Lab aims to serve the educational and research needs in the fields of Lifelong Learning and eLearning, with emphasis on the pedagogical implementation of advanced learning technologies and social networks to all types and levels of education.

​Since its foundation, the “eLearning Lab” has significant contribution to the educational community. It has developed distance learning programmes for the professional development of teachers, connecting the local community through Lifelong Education activities and encouraging exchanges of best practices among educators and other entities regarding the pedagogical implementation of ICT.

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Organisations (1)

eTwinning validated
Role in organisation:
Teacher Educator
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Professional details

  • Interested in subject:
    Informatics / ICT