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European School Education Platform
eTwinning validated

Antonio Visalli

Hello everybody! I'm a primary school teacher and I teaching in Aosta Valley, a bilingual region in Italy. After discovering the enormous number of benefits of bi-plurilingual education I developed a passion for sharing my practice with others. I do love try new methodologies and activities that can motivate my students. Mi favorites matters are arts, music and foreigners languages. I teach italian, french and english. As a teacher, I aim to create an atmosphere that encourages curiosity and sheer determination. My classroom is a place where students feel important, respected, cared for and believed in. I am a teacher who makes it possible for students to reach their full potential, ask questions, learn from their mistakes, give and receive feedback, create and try their best. In our classroom, real-world problems are solved and each student believes that they can make a difference in this world. Together, we celebrate each other’s success and inspire each other to be the best person that we can be. I'd like to meet new teachers and students around Europe and introduce my students to you, by this means we may present new projects.

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Organisations (1)

eTwinning validated
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  • Interested in subject:
    Cross Curricular
    Environmental Education
    Foreign Languages
    History of Culture
    Primary School Subjects