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European School Education Platform

Partner finding

Partner finding is a meeting point for schools and teachers interested in hosting mobility activities and taking part in them, such as teaching assignments, job shadowing or placements. Listings can be posted both by organisations that offer mobility opportunities and individuals looking for such opportunities. Learn more about the partner finding types here.

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Postings (261)

Partners for mobility activities
Visiting and exchanging good practices

Visiting schools to exchange good practices and build new partnerships.

Age range 11 - 13
Expires on
Created on 14.06.2024 | Last edited on 14.06.2024
Partners for mobility activities
A French primary school is looking for a partner school to host groups of pupils

A French primary school (6-11 years) very close to Bordeaux is looking for a school to host their group of 30-35 pupils between March and June 2025 and work on the theme of gender equality.

Please get in touch if you are interested:

Age range 8 - 11
Expires on
Created on 14.06.2024 | Last edited on 14.06.2024
Partners for mobility activities
Mobilities for 10-11 years-old pupils : nature and well-being

We are looking for a partner school elsewhere in Europe to welcome our 10-11 years old pupils for the year 2024-2025.
We want to work on nature and well-being.

Age range 10 - 11
Expires on
Created on 06.06.2024 | Last edited on 06.06.2024
Partners for mobility activities
Alternative (montessori, dalton, waldorf) education

Our goal is to visit a primary school in Denmark with a group of 20 students aged 12-14, which would act as our guide for a few days. This means showing us around their school, involving us in their regular activities, taking us on a field trip, etc...

Age range 12 - 14
Expires on
Created on 04.06.2024 | Last edited on 04.06.2024
Partners for mobility activities
Job shadowing

We're thinking of a teacher exchange. You could send over a few of your teachers to discover and share different learning practices with us. Then, we'd do the same – come over to your place, observe your methods, and bring back some of your magic to...

Age range up to 3 - 10
Expires on
Created on 04.06.2024 | Last edited on 04.06.2024