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European School Education Platform

Partner finding

Partner finding is a meeting point for schools and teachers interested in hosting mobility activities and taking part in them, such as teaching assignments, job shadowing or placements. Listings can be posted both by organisations that offer mobility opportunities and individuals looking for such opportunities. Learn more about the partner finding types here.

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Postings (31)

Partners for a cooperation partnership
Erasmus+ Mobility Partnership 24/25 (vocational schools)

We are experienced in taking out Erasmus+ mobilities for students and teachers. Now we are looking for more partners to be able to offer a wider range of intercultural work experience for our students and teachers. Contact us if you want to send or...

Age range 18 - 20+
Expires on
Created on 29.05.2024 | Last edited on 05.06.2024
Partners for mobility activities
art and digital tools - STEAM

How to use new technologies to express art, or how to use art to express STEAM?
Open to related proposals.

Age range 11 - 13
Expires on
Created on 29.05.2024 | Last edited on 29.05.2024
Partners for mobility activities
Düzce Yavuz Selim Vocational and Technical High School Erasmus+ Partnership

We are looking for partners for K1 and K2 projects that can host us.We can host you in our organization or match you with the most suitable Host Organization or Partner for your K1 and K2 projects and organize your Erasmus Project.

Age range 14 - 18
Expires on
Created on 29.05.2024 | Last edited on 29.05.2024
Partners for mobility activities
Hosting VET students in local Italian companies

EGInA leads a wide network of Italian schools and VET and Adult education centres for the mobility of learners, teachers and trainers.
Every year we facilitate the organization of over 800 mobilities in Europe and outside Europe.
We have a large...

Age range 14 - 20+
Expires on
Created on 19.05.2024 | Last edited on 19.05.2024
Partners for mobility activities
Social Hackathon Umbria 2024

#SHU2024 aims to develop the digital skills of youth and adults through preparatory training for a Hackathon to co-create innovative digital solutions to promote wellness in all its forms and facilitate the achievement of the Sustainable Development...

Age range 14 - 20+
Expires on
Created on 19.05.2024 | Last edited on 19.05.2024
Partners for mobility activities
Sciences and to improve sports performances.

We would like to work on a specific project with the students. We would like to build a project around PE and around Computer Sciences. It could be a project about gaming, programming, building programs to increase sports performances. So the idea is...

Age range 15 - 17
Expires on
Created on 15.05.2024 | Last edited on 23.05.2024
Partners for mobility activities
Looking for partners to organize Erasmus + experiences for our students

As a High School with VET (KA12x) and HED (KA13x) projects and with studies related with ICT, we are looking for partners abroad that can receive our students to their institutions to do their in company internships.

Age range All
Expires on
Created on 04.05.2024 | Last edited on 04.05.2024