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European School Education Platform

Partner finding

Partner finding is a meeting point for schools and teachers interested in hosting mobility activities and taking part in them, such as teaching assignments, job shadowing or placements. Listings can be posted both by organisations that offer mobility opportunities and individuals looking for such opportunities. Learn more about the partner finding types here.

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Postings (7)

Partners for a cooperation partnership
Erasmus+ Mobility Partnership 24/25 (vocational schools)

We are experienced in taking out Erasmus+ mobilities for students and teachers. Now we are looking for more partners to be able to offer a wider range of intercultural work experience for our students and teachers. Contact us if you want to send or...

Age range 18 - 20+
Expires on
Created on 29.05.2024 | Last edited on 30.05.2024
Partners for mobility activities
Training in Health Service

Our proposal is to cooperate with Schools and organization that work like us in Training for Health area students. We can offer with our network placement in private and public Health organization where students can acquire skills to work with...

Age range 17 - 20+
Expires on
Created on 26.03.2024 | Last edited on 23.05.2024
Partners for mobility activities
Training in Health Service

Our proposal is to cooperate with Schools and organization that work like us in Training for Health area students. We can offer with our network placement in private and public Health organization where students can acquire skills to work with...

Age range 17 - 20+
Expires on
Created on 21.03.2024 | Last edited on 21.03.2024
Partners for mobility activities
Hello potential partners

We are a vocational education school located in the "Westland" region, situated between the cities of Rotterdam and The Hague. This area is known for its agricultural significance, boasting the largest flower export in Europe. The Albeda College...

Age range 16 - 20+
Expires on
Created on 19.02.2024 | Last edited on 19.02.2024
Partners for mobility activities
Small researce of student in other county's.

At the end of theire four years of education the students at our school have to do a small research in with they show the skills they learned in the former four years. Because this is at the end of the dutch highschool it is low key.
We want to give...

Age range 15 - 17
Expires on
Created on 09.02.2024 | Last edited on 09.02.2024
Partners for mobility activities
looking for Hosting Secondary Schools - experienced on Green Skills

looking for a hosting Secondary school which helps us acquainted with teaching material on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and how to integrate it in the curriculum;

Age range 10 - 14
Expires on
Created on 31.01.2024 | Last edited on 31.01.2024
Partners for a cooperation partnership
Yes momfood no junk foods

Akran baskısı yüzünden yenmeyen ev yemeklerimizin tercih edilmesini teşvik edeceğiz.

Age range 5 - 11
Expires on
Created on 25.12.2023 | Last edited on 01.01.2024