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European School Education Platform

Partner finding

Partner finding is a meeting point for schools and teachers interested in hosting mobility activities and taking part in them, such as teaching assignments, job shadowing or placements. Listings can be posted both by organisations that offer mobility opportunities and individuals looking for such opportunities. Learn more about the partner finding types here.

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Postings (13)

Partners for mobility activities
In search of an Irish partner school

We would very much like to get in touch to discuss possible ways to establish a partnership with and Irish school. We can offer a wide range of topics for potential visits to our school district, from sustainability and social responsibility, to our...

Age range 15 - 19
Expires on
Created on 22.05.2024 | Last edited on 22.05.2024
Partners for a small-scale partnership
Prepared for the future KA122-SCH

We have just been approved for KA122 - SCH and are searching for partners. We are a secondary school located in Vestby, Norway. We want our students to recognize the value of being active, to develop a love for nature, and thus contribute to its...

Age range 15 - 16
Expires on
Created on 08.05.2024 | Last edited on 08.05.2024
Partners for mobility activities
Norwegian upper secondary looking for a upper secondary school in Greece or Ireland - or both - to cooperate with!

We have 30 student mobilities wich allow us to travel upcoming Autumn/Winter 2023/24. We would like to cooperate with a Greek or Irish school - focusing on either citizenship, cultural diversity, language & literature, democracy or globalisation. If...

Age range 17 - 19
Expires on
Created on 02.05.2024 | Last edited on 02.05.2024
Partners for a cooperation partnership
Looking for a partner school in or near Dublin

We are an Erasmus-accredited secondary school in Norway with students aged between 15-19. We are interested in finding a partner school in or near Dublin. Our school is situated just outside Oslo.

Age range 15 - 19
Expires on
Created on 16.04.2024 | Last edited on 16.04.2024
Partners for mobility activities
We want to start a new project based on nature, sports (fishing?) and outdoor activities

At our school we have a unique educational program, where outdoor activities and sport fishing are the main themes. We are interested in projects based on practical nature-based teaching and outdoor activities, different types of sport fishing, and...

Age range 16 - 18
Expires on
Created on 28.02.2024 | Last edited on 28.02.2024
Partners for mobility activities
Partner School in Ireland

Partnership for job shadowing and mobility projects with Irish Upper Secondary Schools.

Age range 15 - 19
Expires on
Created on 15.02.2024 | Last edited on 15.02.2024