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European School Education Platform

Partner finding

Partner finding is a meeting point for schools and teachers interested in hosting mobility activities and taking part in them, such as teaching assignments, job shadowing or placements. Listings can be posted both by organisations that offer mobility opportunities and individuals looking for such opportunities. Learn more about the partner finding types here.

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Postings (67)

Partners for a cooperation partnership
Exchange partner

Here is a list of topics for which we would like to find partners

- Sustainable development: "greening cities".
- History: World War II through resistance networks in Europe
- ICT: good practice and sustainable use of IT tools
- The sea: a...

Age range 17 - 19
Expires on
Created on 22.05.2024 | Last edited on 22.05.2024
Partners for mobility activities
Job Shadowing event in October. IES Los Cerros (Spain)

Job shadowing event for free in the world heritage city of Úbeda (Spain).
Teachers from ten different European institutions meet each other and interchange experiences.
We host school education and VET students
We host apprentices or learners to be...

Age range 14 - 20+
Expires on
Created on 20.05.2024 | Last edited on 20.05.2024
Partners for mobility activities
Hosting VET students in local Italian companies

EGInA leads a wide network of Italian schools and VET and Adult education centres for the mobility of learners, teachers and trainers.
Every year we facilitate the organization of over 800 mobilities in Europe and outside Europe.
We have a large...

Age range 14 - 20+
Expires on
Created on 19.05.2024 | Last edited on 19.05.2024
Partners for mobility activities
Social Hackathon Umbria 2024

#SHU2024 aims to develop the digital skills of youth and adults through preparatory training for a Hackathon to co-create innovative digital solutions to promote wellness in all its forms and facilitate the achievement of the Sustainable Development...

Age range 14 - 20+
Expires on
Created on 19.05.2024 | Last edited on 19.05.2024
Partners for mobility activities
Looking for new Erasmus+ partners

We would be pleased to meet and welcome new partners in the framework of job-shadowing mobilities before sending and hosting students mobilities.

Our school has three main "fields": commerce, administration and cooking studies.

Our school is...

Age range 15 - 18
Expires on
Created on 13.05.2024 | Last edited on 16.05.2024