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European School Education Platform

Partner finding

Partner finding is a meeting point for schools and teachers interested in hosting mobility activities and taking part in them, such as teaching assignments, job shadowing or placements. Listings can be posted both by organisations that offer mobility opportunities and individuals looking for such opportunities. Learn more about the partner finding types here.

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Postings (3)

Partners for a small-scale partnership
From Roman culture to Spanish culture

Looking for a partnership with schools in order to highlight how important the Roman culture is in the Spain of today.

Age range 13 - 15
Expires on
Created on 14.05.2024 | Last edited on 14.05.2024
Partners for a small-scale partnership
Vikingų kultūros pėdsakai Europoje

Projekto tikslas - didinti mokinių tarpkultūrinį sąmoningumą ir supratimą apie vikingų įtaką Europos istorijai ir kultūrai.
Projekto metu kreipiamas didelis dėmesys į pagrindinių kompetencijų ugdymą, ypač akcentuojant skaitmeninę kompetenciją. Vienas...

Age range 12 - 16
Expires on
Created on 26.02.2024 | Last edited on 26.02.2024
Partners for a small-scale partnership
The Viking world

Creating relations between the French and Danish pupils.
Getting to know different cultures and school systems.
Discovering the Viking heritage in Brittany and the birth place of the Vikings.
Practising foreign languages.
Meeting in real life in...

Age range 13 - 15
Expires on
Created on 12.12.2023 | Last edited on 12.12.2023