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European School Education Platform


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Projects (149732)

"J.O.Y.: Journey of Youth across European Cultures" is an engaging project where our eTwinners embark on a virtual journey to explore their partners’ countries. Under the guidance of the ideal teacher...

"Happy Hearts, Bright Minds" is an engaging eTwinning project designed for primary school students from Greece and Ireland. This project aims to introduce young learners to the principles of Positive...

The basic idea of this project is to create a real connection and friendship between the partner students. The project consists of several modules that have different topics: knowing how to introduce...

Projekt skierowany do szkół podstawowych i ponadpodstawowych. Ma na celu zjednoczenie Samorządów Uczniowskich i całych społeczności szkolnych wokół kampanii dotyczących promowania następujących...

This project is about wellbeing and happiness, and also other feelings. What do the children think about happiness when they are at home and then they are in our preschool/school. What does it mean to...

Le projet propose aux élèves de s'engager dans un voyage culinaire à travers l'Europe. À travers des activités variées, ils découvriront les traditions alimentaires des différents pays tout en...

The students will exchange emails in English on different topics along the school year. They will also realise some videos about the territory and the school.

This project is part of a KA 121 Erasmus+ one. It will last from October 2024 to May 2025. It deals with the cultural and environmental heritage of two different communities in Europe : a French city...