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European School Education Platform


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Projects (7)

December is a very special time in kindergartens and schools. Every teacher works hard to make sure to decorate their classroom and bring a little magic to their children. We play holiday songs and...

National Quality Label

It is a project planned to make our students' math lessons more fun and to see their math applications in different countries.

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

In our project, we will deal with light and reflection, in different interpretations of the concept of reflection. Reflection of of nature, reflection of art, reflection of culture, reflection of...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

Projekt z myślą o doskonaleniu własnych umiejętności i przygotowania nauczycieli do pracy na nowej platformie.

Skirtas ikimokyklinio ir priešmokyklinio ugdymo Švenčių paminėjimas, jų tradicijų bei papročių aptarimas, įgyvendinimas turi ypatingą reikšmę vaikų ugdyme, todėl balandžio 11-18 dienomis Klaipėdos...

Because the International Autism Awareness Day is approaching the Pascani Special Gymnasium School launches the awareness campaign of autism in the online environment, both on the Facebook page of the...

National Quality Label

Projekt: "Przygotowani na dorosłe życie/ Bereit für ErwaschsenLeben" (Akronim BEL). Termin: 09.2018 roku - 08.2021 Uczestnicy projektu: Zespół Szkół Ogólnokształcących w Nidzicy (Polska), CONVITTO...

National Quality Label