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European School Education Platform


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Projects (9)

Purpose of the project: To understand the value of our homeland, to recognize and promote different cultures, to recognize and promote the historical and cultural values of our country, to recognize...

This project's primary objectives for students are to foster a deep understanding of Well-being at school and how to reach it! In an ever-complicated world, student well-being is a top priority for...

Yes, English is an international language! Should we make the language education given in our schools a little more effective? Our effective project enriched with technology will bring together all...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

This project aims at improving our students speaking skill . We are going to have many situations and themes such as the airport , pharmacy , library .... . There will be a variety of activities...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

Our world is suffering from so many problems . In this project , we are going to discuss these problems and suggest solutions . We are going to use different activities including discussions , drama...

The project aims to motivate students to live healthy so that they feel happy. After all, health is the most precious human asset! In this project students will engage in activities that include...

Notre projet sera une expérience de continuité entre les peuples les citoyens entre les étudiants entre les pays entre les villes entre les collègues entre les traditions entre les langues c est une...

National Quality Label

Le but principal de ce projet est d'éveiller le potentiel des élèves et de découvrir leurs talents cachés. Aider les élèves à découvrir leurs points forts leur permet de gagner confiance en eux et de...

National Quality Label