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European School Education Platform


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Projects (5)

Nature is the best, most productive, most beautiful and largest school for us. Based on this idea, in our project, various workshops are planned for our children to connect with nature in their school...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

Project participants are invited to join first of all the main European initiatives and to organize the activities of the European Programming Week in their educational institutions, Programming Hour...

National Quality Label

Annual international celebration of European Day of Languages consisting of participants introduction, making presentation of the place and element of culture where they live and postcards exchange.

National Quality Label

We aim to develop our students love of reading books and support them to write their own stories. Activities will enhance students' interest toward reading books. To see other students' activities...

This project is about the activities that children do during the quarantine. We will share how we handle teaching process during Covid-19. As a teacher we will evaluate this process and share our...

National Quality Label