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European School Education Platform


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Projects (36)

PROYECTO EN ESPAÑOL-FRANCÉS-INGLÉS Crearemos un juego de mesa familiar con alumnos de varios países europeos. El objetivo de este proyecto es desarrollar las habilidades sociales y comunicativas de...

Projekt skierowany jest do uczniów w wieku 11-14 lat. Zadaniem uczniów jest przygotować krótkie prezentacje w j. angielskim – ’10 interesting facts about your country’. Prace uczniów zostaną...

National Quality Label

Modern education is developed in some countries in recent years. STEAM education means to teach Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Maths through an interdisciplinary approach. The STEAM...

National Quality Label

This project s based on Fahrenheit 451 a novel by Ray Bradbury and The Fun They Had by Isaac Asimov. The students will think about the role of books and their destruction along history ,about the...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

Le projet a été créé pour le séminaire eTwinning en ligne "Le multilinguisme dans l'éducation" qui se tiendra du 10 au 12 mai 2021. Il s'agit d'une plateforme permettant aux participants de faire...

This will be the platform for dissemination of good practices and follow-up as well as an Open Educational Resource facility related to the topic of our Erasmus+ KA229 partnership. We will promote...

Sustainable Poetry is a global co-creative project that 1) raises the voices of children and youths for a sustainable future 2) gives sustainability issues a natural place in education and 3)...

National Quality Label

Our school is promoting reading with a "reading break" . We would like to open a twinspace in which the students could review what they read in two languages ( their mother tongue and another one) in...

National Quality Label