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European School Education Platform


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Projects (20)

We will chose culturel child stories from two different languages. We send stories each other in English. Then we translate stories in our native language. After that we will work stories with...

Environmental Protection activities, Zero waste activities and values ​​education activities will be carried out. His students are “loving science, curious and sensitive about culture; to educate...

We will choose 3 important chıld story writer and one story. Then we will introduce them to students and teachers who are from different culture. And they will make same study for us. It will contınue...

Book reading activity; It provides benefits in speaking, understanding and writing, as well as improving memory and intelligence. Most importantly, reading books is an action that nourishes the soul...

Projektas skirtas mokyti vaikus pažinti skaičius, ugdymo procese naudojant IKT Naudojant IKT ugdymo procese tiesiogiai veikiami pagrindiniai vaiko pojūčiai ir emocijos. Interaktyviose programose...

National Quality Label

2023 Eğitim vizyonu doğrultusunda öğrencilerin yaratıcıklarını geliştirilerek tasarım yapmalarını sağlamak ve tasarladıkları ürünleri ortaya koyarken becerilerini geliştirmek için fırsatlar sunmak. In...

National Quality Label

The main problem for modern human is global warming. There are many reasons for this problem. The main reason is the harmful gases in the atmosphere. The concentration of carbon dioxide increases...

Učenici će kroz razna područja saznati o ljepotama svoje domovine, razvijati odgovorno ponašanje prema nasljeđu naših predaka i razvijati ljubav prema domovini. Međusobno će komunicirati putem...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label