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European School Education Platform


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Projects (303)

Schülerinnen und Schüler aus Belgien, Schweden, Norwegen und Tschechien, die Deutsch als Fremdsprache lernen, nehmen an einer gemeinsamen virtuellen Radtour durch Europa teil. Sie spielen die Rolle...

Das Projekt unterstützt das internationale eTwinning Seminar "Vielfalt statt Einfalt", welches vom 9.-11.November 2023 in Magdeburg stattfindet.

What do you do in the winter? Let´s complete the bucket list and share the pictures, videos, postcards, memes, creative outcomes etc with us. Let´s use digital technologies to share the autumn...

Our idea is to create a group of schools interested in an international Christmas card exchange - ideally including all countries of the E.U.

National Quality Label

The importance of the project is that it supports students and teachers staying in touch. In today’s world, it is more important than ever for students and teachers to stay connected. With the rise of...

The current world is witnessing a digital transformation. Therefore, training people with these skills is essential for them to benefit from the opportunities that the digital world has to offer. This...

National Quality Label

This TwinSpace is dedicated to the multilateral seminar for early childhood education and care which is taking place in Marseilles, France from the 17th to the 19th March 2023. To be part of this...

Exchange project between Norwegian Lower Secondary School students in a class of the optional course International Cooperation, and Czech nursing and social work students.