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European School Education Platform


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Projects (1005)

Atık materyallerden tasarlayacağımız çeşitli müzik - ritim aletleri ve Oyuncaklar ile proje ortakları arasında işbirliğini gözeterek okul öncesi öğrencileriyle çeşitli ritimler tutarak, şarkılar...

We will recognize our cultural tales in our schools. Countries will tell each other fairy tales in our own language. Partner countries will get to know each other, we will experience a multicultural...

Learning English is a necessity and fun in today's world.Therefore, as the teachers of English Language,we must do our best to teach it in a productive and enjoyable way to all our students and future...

A project about freedom and independence as a right and respect for differences.

This project is based on children's mental well-being. It is to provide psychological relief to children who cannot control their anger and have difficulty making friends. In general, these and...

Öğrencileri iz bırakmış, eserleri herkes tarafından bilinen ressamlarla tanıştırmak , resim dersini sevdirmek -Introducing students to painters who have left their mark and whose works are known to...

Projemizin amacı 6-11 yaş grubundaki öğrencilerimize araştırma bilinci kazandırmak, çevrelerinde meydana gelen problemlere karşı duyarlılıklarını arttırmaktır. Bunların yanında yapacağımız...

This project invites primary school students to embark on a fun learning adventure. The "Funny Brains" project aims to engage students in interactive learning through mind and intelligence games. By...