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European School Education Platform


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Projects (106)

Projekt zahŕňa spoločné spievanie integračných piesní v angličtine. Deti z členských krajín budú spievať pieseň "HELLO SONG".

Projekt je zameraný na učenie sa starostlivosti o našu planétu. Deti partnerských škôl spolu so svojimi učiteľkami si po vzájomnej diskusii vyberú aktivitu, v ktorej by urobili niečo dobré pre našu...

Okulumda sağlıklı besleniyorum projesi öğrencilerde gıda farkındalığı yaratmayı amaçlamaktadır.

Project Title: Cultural Postcards Cultural postcards Target Group: Secondary School Students (11-14 years) Secondary school students 11-14 aged Project Duration: 2 Months Purpose: To encourage...

"Together to not forget" is an innovative eTwinning project dedicated to preserving the memory of the Holocaust and ensuring that its lessons resonate with future generations. This project is a beacon...

Children start experimenting from a very early age. Our project is to create a learning environment for children aged 4-11 by doing and experiencing. As children observe experiments and conduct...

5E öğrenme diğer disiplinlerle ilişki kuran, yaratıcılığı, aktif öğrenmeyi sağlayan, çalışma ve sorumluluk alma becerisi kazandıran, sorgulama, araştırma becerilerini geliştiren bir yöntemdir...

In mathematics teaching, materials will be presented to prepare children with special needs to solve the problems they encounter in daily life. To teach mathematics with picture cards, real objects...

National Quality Label