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European School Education Platform


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Projects (15)

This project facilitates cultural interaction by providing students with the opportunity to express their own cultures through traditional regional dishes. It encourages exploration and sharing of...

Проект предназначен для детей 12-18 лет. В рамках проекта дети будут участвовать в STEAM-активностях в разных сферах, которые вместе обсудят на встречах. Такая деятельность развивает у детей...

Raising awareness among students and the community about the wise use of water. Transform acquired behaviors into lifestyles and grow as individuals who use and protect water in the best possible way...

The project's objectives are ; Students will be able to 1. recognize healthy and unhealthy foods. 2. identify food additives by looking at labels 3. analyze the benefits of healthy eating and physical...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

Öğrencilerimizin yaş Aralığı 15-19 Projemizin İletişim Dilleri; İngilizce, Türkçe Projemizin Süresi; 4 ay (Projemiz Nisan ayından başlayarak Temmuz ayına kadar sürecektir.)Dünyanın farklı lezzetlerini...

National Quality Label

Our project is established to gather young people from different countries to increase cultural interaction and reduce cultural-based prejudices. Activities were designed so that the participants...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

ჩვენი საუკუნის აქტუალური საკითხი ეკრანთან გატარებული დრო. პროექტის ფარგლებში მონაწილეები იმსჯელებენ ეკრანთან გატარებული დროის დადებით და უარყოფით მხარეებზე. ერთობლივად მოძებნიან გზებს, რომ ეკრანთან...

A quality and healthy lifestyle is in our hands. A healthy and quality life is essential for a successful, happy and long life. The World Health Organization (WHO) also emphasizes how important health...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label