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European School Education Platform


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Projects (5)

This project facilitates cultural interaction by providing students with the opportunity to express their own cultures through traditional regional dishes. It encourages exploration and sharing of...

Ögrencilerimize sıfır atık kapsamında geri gösterebilmenin her alanda olması eğlenceli etkinliklerle içselleştirmelerini sağlayarak öğreteceğiz.

Today, due to the increase in gluten-related diseases, it is aimed to learn about gluten, to inform our environment about the diseases related to gluten sensitivity, to inform our students and parents...

We aim to carry out project-based studies on Prebiotics and Probiotic living things, to raise awareness of our environment, and to associate it with our curriculum achievements, with the use of...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

The project is about food, its evolution through time and its differentiation from place to place. Using technology, students will explore other countries' cultures via their culinary habits. This way...

National Quality Label