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European School Education Platform


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Projects (6)

People from all over the world stayhome at the same time for the first time. These days we look out of our windows longer. Maybe we're watching out from our windows with more awareness. We've seen a...

National Quality Label

The spring is in the air and therefore we want to start an international project, focusing on spring flowers. Children in different countries will draw and cut out flowers, about 20 cm x 20 cm. One...

National Quality Label

The children in several countries make paper butterflies and send them to all of the other schools.

National Quality Label

Nowadays,the environment is constantly changing. In the past centuries environmental problems like mass extinctions were caused by events such as volcanic eruptions, asteroid strikes, etc.Unlike, the...

National Quality Label

Fairy tales – the old ones, the new ones, perhaps the re-written ones and of course the ones we write by ourselves ! We read some of the old classics - and perhaps also re-write them so they’ll take...

National Quality Label

we tell each other what we do or action to be taken in the class. we share to our curriculum.we can choose to subject for per week and share photo or something like this .

National Quality Label