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European School Education Platform


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Projects (19)

The program aims to encourage students to collaborate with different schools by getting acquainted with those schools and presenting their own school.

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

The elementary mathematics lesson requires the concrete-to-abstract education principle as required by the age of students. Today's technological developments provide great opportunities for teachers...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

Proiectul este despre oportunitatea portalului eTwinning pentru elevi,profesori și părinți. Ne propunem să vorbim despre eTwinning pe înțelesul copiilor.Vom asculta părerea elevilor despre prietenie...

We have to start using distance learning programmes because of the pandemic. Students spend more time online, which leads to social isolation, inactivity and unhealthy lifestyles. Therefore, it is...

World Earth Day is an opportunity, in this difficult pandemic time, to remind ourselves of the beauty of nature around us, to point out how important it is for humans. The Earth is a wonderful element...

National Quality Label

Projektas skirtas 3- 9 m. vaikams. Medžiai supa mus kas dieną, bet vaikai į tai beveik nekreipia dėmesio. Jie nepriima medžių kaip gyvų objektų ar organizmų, kadangi medžiai nekalba, negali judėti...

National Quality Label

Museums are one of the most important out of school learning environments.Educators can integrate many subjects into museum education plans. Children between 4 to 11 years old enjoy activities related...

National Quality Label

Trumpu projektu "Užbaik mokslo metus linksmai su gegužės iššūkiais!" kviečiu užbaigti mokslo metus linksmai. COVID-19 karantino laikotarpis uždarė visus namuose, atskyrė nuo draugų ir privertė...

National Quality Label