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European School Education Platform


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Projects (32)

What could students do to make our territory more welcoming and accessible to everyone's needs? Students will analyse the environment around them, identifying difficulties and negative aspects...

National Quality Label

All kinds of thoughts, behaviors, rules and values ​​that individuals adopt and implement in a society or social group are called values. Values ​​are at the forefront of the characteristics that make...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

The project is based on both tangible and intangible cultural heritage. It is about festivals, ceromonies, natural beauties, landmarks, historical places, education systems etc.

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

Children learn to discover Nature and find Fibonacci Numbers in local surroundings. Forming and working as groups they fulfill their goals. Pupils use different ICT skills to actualize their aims. To...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

We will seek an answer to the question of what is media literacy. We will raise awareness with students by organizing events on media literacy. We will make sure that students reconsider their...

National Quality Label

The "Physics 8th grade" program was created to enrich the 8th grade physics lessons, to start the new academic year with a new interactive version. The students in the project will study the materials...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

The spring is in the air and therefore we want to start an international project, focusing on spring flowers. Children in different countries will draw and cut out flowers, about 20 cm x 20 cm. One...

National Quality Label

This project intends to motivate and make school community more responsable for their acts towards ocean. The main aim is to to know better the ocean and their ecosystems and realize that it's urgent...

National Quality Label