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European School Education Platform


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Projects (39)

Students are invited to make a mathematical poem using the concepts they teach in the subject

National Quality Label

Our project is designed to enable our students to become aware of the beauties of nature and to protect nature, to leave a sustainable environment for the future, to protect the world we live in, and...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

Climate change is one of the big threats human face now and will face in the future. Global warming can also be seen main contributer to this process. Human caused factors are seen main factors. Many...

National Quality Label

All kinds of thoughts, behaviors, rules and values ​​that individuals adopt and implement in a society or social group are called values. Values ​​are at the forefront of the characteristics that make...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

Faire voir les élèves le film ou des épisode du film extraordinaire qui parle de cette relation professeur élève et parler plus librement pour montrer leur vie du monde “les choristes” une episode...

National Quality Label

Le patrimoine de valeur nationale doit être enrichi et transmis de génération en génération, à travers le processus éducatif. L'éducation vise la familiarisation avec les valeurs nationales...

National Quality Label

In the last few decades, consumerism has rocketed, and the planet has suffered. The damage we have done to our ecosystem and environment is devastating. Unless we drastically change our lifestyles...

National Quality Label

In recent months many countries in the EU have suffered the effects of climate change. Alternating from devastating floods to uncontrollable rogue fires and destructive winds, the variation in the...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label