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European School Education Platform


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Projects (5)

In today's world we see that our planet faces many problems. Thoroughout our project as an international group of people we will read, research and analyze the articles and videos related to saving...

National Quality Label

Öğrencilerin daha önce duymadığı bilmediği kelimelere, deyimlere odaklanarak araştırmaları bunları biriktirmeleri ve süreç sonunda bu kelimelerden hikaye yazmaları. Students focus on the words and...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

It is very important to enrich theoretical knowledge with practical work while teaching the subject of chemistry. Encourage students to develop skills such as transfer, which is very important, to...

National Quality Label

In 2015, 193 countries launched 17 SDGs( Sustainable Development Goals) that was set by the United Nations Development Program for 2030 Agenda, these Goals are : No Poverty, Zero Hunger, Good Health...

National Quality Label

The idea of project is to be aware of European peers’ school lifestyle and understand real European values. What do they eat and drink every day? What are in their lunch box? What are their hobbies...

National Quality Label