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European School Education Platform


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Projects (12)

It is the 3rd edition of highly successful project getting schools all over Europe (and beyond) together to celebrate Junior Eurovision Song Contest in schools as a community. The aim is to watch the...

National Quality Label

Amacımız çok boyutlu bir sistem bir yarar sağlayarak, milli ve manevi değerlerin ışığında aklı ve kalbi birleştiren bütüncül bir sorumluluk geliştirebilmektir. Tüm kültürlere meraklı ve duyarlı...

National Quality Label

Sunduğumuz proje; ülkelere misafir veya mülteci olarak gelen yabancı uyruklu kişilere ait dilleri, onlardan istifade ederek karşılıklı dil öğrenimini sağlamak, kolaylaştırmak ve kalıcı hale getirmek...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

Disinformation manipulates people’s moods and choices, creating false fears and expectations. Against this background, it remains one of the main challenges in the modern world - do not be deceived...

National Quality Label

The project aims to make young people aware of the importance of the sea and ocean in Life, their impact on the establishment of human communities and the interaction/influence between mankind and the...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

Zorbalık başkalarını incitmek niyeti ile yapılan saldırılardır. Yapılan zorbaca davranışlar karşıdaki kişinin canını yakabilir veya duygusal olarak çöküntü yaşamasına sebep olabilir. Bu durum...

National Quality Label

This is a month long energetic project for Junior Eurovision Song Contest enthusiasts. It is the 2nd edition of highly successful initiative began by 9 schools in 2018. The general idea is to get...

National Quality Label

Children 4 to 11 years old will share with the partners some special moments of their school life (first day of school, welcoming activities at the beginning of the school year, celebration of...

National Quality Label