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European School Education Platform


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Projects (5)

Sunduğumuz proje; ülkelere misafir veya mülteci olarak gelen yabancı uyruklu kişilere ait dilleri, onlardan istifade ederek karşılıklı dil öğrenimini sağlamak, kolaylaştırmak ve kalıcı hale getirmek...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

A project promoting intergenerational integration, familiarizing pre-school children with ways of spending their free time by their parents. Making mascots for children from an orphanage.

Children 4 to 11 years old will share with the partners some special moments of their school life (first day of school, welcoming activities at the beginning of the school year, celebration of...

National Quality Label

Music is the universal language through which we can express our feelings, thoughts, joy or sadness. The best way to learn a new culture and interact with a country for us is to start with their folk...

National Quality Label

The calendar is destined to the children to find a way in the cultures. 1 Opened to the chidren of the classrooms from 2-3 to 12. 2 No private dates ( private birthday for example). Only national...

National Quality Label