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European School Education Platform


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Projects (29)

Mutlu bir toplum bireylerin mutluluğuna bağlıdır. Toplumda insan ilişkileri bu mutluluk için öncelikli ve gerekli bir yere sahiptir. Okullarda öğrenciler arasında sözel, fiziksel ve duygusal şiddet...

Bu eTwinning projesi, öğrencilere atık kapakların değerlendirilmesi, geri dönüştürülmesi ve çevresel etkilerinin azaltılması konularında farkındalık kazandırmayı amaçlamaktadır. Projeye katılan...

Projektom Krila muzike želimo povećati interesovanje učenika za ovu vrstu umetnosti a nastavnike podstaći na korišććenje inovativnih metoda u nastavi koje bi se tokom projekta prezentovale učesnicima...

Participants from all over Europe make short videos about their usual day in school. Videos make pupils and teachers, video should be about 15 seconds long. At the end we can compare our usual school...

National Quality Label

The project was designed to promote social inclusion, the attitude of non-discrimination between different cultures, ethnicities, gender, race, religion, disabilities, ages, etc. The stimulating...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

To enable today's children to realize the natural life outside the virtual world in which they are trapped in urban life. To enable them to become urban scholars who know nature by using technology in...

National Quality Label

The Project „Easter around Europe” points Easter tradition in European countries. The project is aimed at cultural orientation and language development. Students can learn Easters tradition, play...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

Dedicated to the year 2022-International Year of Fundamental Sciences for Sustainable Development. Exchange of experience, scientific pursuit of phenomena in nature, the application of ICT knowledge...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label