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European School Education Platform


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Projects (30)

In our project, we aim to combine the strengths of both traditional and online learning methods to provide our students with a more engaging learning experience by using a blended learning model. We...

Spending time with nature is good for everyone. Everything we can learn and have fun with is available in nature.In nature, the teacher gives little warning to children. Because children can focus...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

Lessons are not learned from books alone. Animals can teach us lessons too. Every animal has a specialty. The aim of our project is to realize this and make students realize it. We will make new...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

Projemiz öfke kontrolünü sağlamak ve çocuklarda duygu terapisi oluşturmak adına düzenlenmiştir. Projemizde her hafta düzenlenecek etkinliklerle çocukların öfke kontrolü sağlanacaktır. Çocukların duygu...

National Quality Label

Proiectul este despre oportunitatea portalului eTwinning pentru elevi,profesori și părinți. Ne propunem să vorbim despre eTwinning pe înțelesul copiilor.Vom asculta părerea elevilor despre prietenie...

This project is created to be the platform of Social Values STEM from European Heritage - MULTILATERAL CONFERENCE - 04th of June 2021, organised by Tudor Arghezi High School from Craiova, Romania with...

The age range of our project is 4-11 years old. We created this project in order to inform our students about the Covid 19 epidemic that has spread to all countries of the world and to work on the...

National Quality Label

Humanity's interest in exploring has been universal. The desire to challenge the boundaries of what we know and where we have been has provided benefits to our society for centuries. Countries and...