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European School Education Platform


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Projects (45)

Bu e-twinning projesi, öğrencilerin sosyal medya kullanımını azaltma yöntemlerini keşfetmelerini, sosyal medya kullanımının etkilerini anlamalarını sağlamak ve daha sağlıklı dijital alışkanlıklar...

People need to work in order to maintain their lives and meet their material needs. In order to achieve these, the title that a person acquires as a result of training in a certain field is called a...

We want to accelerate climate action. We want to contribute to creating a clean nature and embrace a sustainable life.

Book reading activity; It provides benefits in speaking, understanding and writing, as well as improving memory and intelligence. Most importantly, reading books is an action that nourishes the soul...

(EN) In today’s world global warming is a big issue. For this reason we have to focus on amount of consuming and inevitable amount of waste. In this project our main aim is to make our students whose...

The biggest problem of the century we live in is actually ignoring nature and moving away from nature. To enable preschool children to experience how they can recognize and use the nature around them...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

Our aim in our project is to increase the awareness of our students and society about cancer.

National Quality Label

Projekto tikslas - ugdyti šalies ir užsienio ikimokyklinio ir priešmokyklinio amžiaus vaikų norą ir gebėjimus pažinti augalus, stebėti ir pažinti pagrindines augalų augimo ir vystymosi sąlygas, bei jų...

National Quality Label