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European School Education Platform


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Projects (31)

The aim of the project is to call for peace to all children around the Europe and world especially for children and people in Ukraine, thus the activities in the project will provide the pupils with...

National Quality Label

Preschool period, which is accepted as the basic years of life, is a period in which some behaviors that will affect our whole life are acquired. Environmental education given in this period when...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

This was second best project in Germany for 2022! :) Happy Easter is a project, which combines different activities to cooperate with school partners from different countries on the topic of Easter...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

Orff Schulwerk” insanın içinde zaten var olan yaratıcı güçleri açığa çıkarmasına ortam hazırlayan, temelinde ritim, hareket ve konuşma olan, insanların içlerinden geldiği gibi müzik yapıp, dans...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

Con este proyecto pretendemos fomentar en nuestros alumnos el desarrollo de la expresión plástica ya que esta es una forma de comunicación y representación que les sirve de nexo entre el mundo...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

Proiectul vizează cele patru anotimpuri: primăvara, vara, toamna și iarna și toate elementele specifice legate de condițiile meteorologice, schimbările în natură și activitățile sezoniere ale...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

Projekto metu pedagogai skatinami kurti, planuoti ir įgyvendinti įvairius sumanymus, veiklas. Dalyviai pasiūlo savo sukurtą geriausią ugdomąją idėją, kurią taiko ugdomosios veiklos metu vidaus ar...

National Quality Label

Öğrenciler kültürel miraslarını keşfederler, anlamını ve önemini analiz ederler ve nesilden nesile nasıl aktarılacağına dair farklı yollara bakarlar. Önemini ve değerlerini ortaklarına sunar ve...