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European School Education Platform


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Projects (4)

Tüm dünyayı saran bir pandemi sürecindeyiz ve maalesef bu süreçten en çok çocuklar etkilendi. Çocukların bu süreci kolay atlatması için ailelerinden sonra en çok birbirlerine ihtiyacı var. Bu süreçte...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

The seminar will be held in Hammamet from 2nd to 4th of May 2019 and having STEM/STEAM as theme. Target : beginners and intermediates teachers of sciences and art, teaching 6-15 years old kids The...

National Quality Label

To encourage our schools,especially the ones in rural areas to find solutions to their problems by making projects so that teachers and students get familiar with projects.Our teachers and students...

National Quality Label

Children 8 to 15 years old are the tour guides who introduce you to their town (monuments, natural beauty, food, goods to buy). In January we know schools through photos, padlet, short descriptions on...

National Quality Label