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European School Education Platform


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Projects (14)

In many countries of the world, English is a compulsory subject in schools. English is not a subject taught only in schools. At the same time, English is a universal language of communication. English...

It is a creative speaking project based upon the effect of warm up activities in language teaching. We will all apply warm up activities in our classes and share the videos and the results.We believe...

National Quality Label

Reading a book affects the individual in a positive way both mentally and physically. Gaining and advancing reading books makes a great contribution to improving our perspective on life.

ბუნებისადმი საზოგადოების არაგონივრული დამოკიდებულება საფრთხეს უქმნის ცოცხალ ბუნებას, თვითონ პიროვნებას და საზოგადოება, რაც მნიშვნელოვან ეკოლოგიურ პრობლემად და გამოწვევად რჩება. საზოგადოებაზე დადებითი...

Sustainable Poetry is a global co-creative project that 1) raises the voices of children and youths for a sustainable future 2) gives sustainability issues a natural place in education and 3)...

National Quality Label

Because the International Autism Awareness Day is approaching the Pascani Special Gymnasium School launches the awareness campaign of autism in the online environment, both on the Facebook page of the...

National Quality Label

This project wants to reflect the beauty of the traditions in all the european countries. Beside that, since the existing of the European Union, all the countries in it become a family, new traditions...

National Quality Label

Our project is about exploring Europe, through song, opera, ballet, culture, history and art in general. They also include talking to students in a forum or meeting live. Students speak English, but...

National Quality Label