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European School Education Platform
eTwinning validated

Gordana Kuna Zoro

Rođena sam 24.9.1982.godine u Osijeku. Nakon završenog osnovnog obrazovanja završila sam I.gimnaziju u Osijeku te Srednju glazbenu školu Franjo Kuhač. Kako sam se već od najranijeg djetinjstva igrala škole logičan slijed bio je upis na Učiteljski fakultet, razredna nastava i informatika. Sve ostalo je isto, i dalje se igram škole, u duši sam još uvijek dijete.

I was born on September 24, 1982 in Osijek. After completing my primary education, I graduated from the 1st gymnasium in Osijek and the Franjo Kuhač High School of Music. As I have been playing school since my earliest childhood, the logical sequence was enrollment at the Faculty of Teachers, classroom teaching and informatics. Everything else is the same, I still play school, I'm still a child at heart.

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eTwinning validated
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  • Interested in subject:
    Environmental Education
    Informatics / ICT
    Mathematics / Geometry

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