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European School Education Platform

Water is life, Life is Water!

It is always said that water is essential for life. Do you know "Why?" Have you ever thought about it? Water resources are sources of life. All living organisms require water for survival. In other words water is needed for life to exist. From the simple organisms to the most complex plants and animals, water has a critical role in survival. Human bodies also use water to flush out toxins regulate body temperature and metabolsm. That's why 60 percent of our bodies consist of water. Besides being essential for living organisms to function, water is also for agricultural, industra, household, recreational and environmental activities. Our project aims to raise awareness of the students' about the importance of water for sustainability. In addition to this, our students will be educated about protecting fresh water and exploring water management strategies.



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We attended the project dissemination meeting of our district and introduced our project.

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On 15th, 16th and 17th April, 2022 Gaziemir Uğur Anatolian High School Students are going to join a Model United Nations Conference.There will be nearly 250 students from Uğur Schools all around Turkey. They are going to discuss about the main agenda "Water For You".

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Gaziemir Uğur Anatolian High School Principles has given certificates to the students who have successfuly completed the project.

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Thank you my dear students for great job

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Here is Project Summary Video prepared by one of our partner teacher ;

Yağmur Alkanat 


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Thank you my dear students.  We made a good job. Here are the  certificates of your participations.


Our Dear Partners,


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Here is the certificate of participation for our students.

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