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European School Education Platform


Let your voice be heard in our regular surveys on school education issues, and explore the results.

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Survey on learning outside the classroom - Results

The recent School Education Gateway survey on learning outside the classroom found that most respondents organise activities outside the classroom at least once a month. Respondents reported that working with external stakeholders has a positive effect on their daily practice positively, although it can present practical difficulties that can be addressed through partnership-building strategies.

Survey on innovation and entrepreneurship competences - Results

The survey results indicate that innovation and entrepreneurship competences should be further highlighted in schools. Out-of-school activities seem to be an effective practice for developing pupils’ competences. On the other hand, teachers reported difficulties in accessing and collaborating with organisations, associations and businesses.

Survey on preparing young people for everyday life in society – Results

Everyday life skills such as preparing a healthy meal and managing finances should be taught at every school level, mainly through cross-curricular approaches, according to respondents to the latest School Education Gateway survey. The survey found that families and teaching staff are the most important actors in developing children’s life skills – their ability to deal with issues commonly encountered in daily life.

Survey on redesigning the curriculum - Results

The school curriculum should change to include new topics, and this should involve teachers and school leaders, according to respondents of the latest School Education Gateway survey. The survey found that some topics, such as health and citizenship, are already covered to some extent, but that others – financial literacy and entrepreneurship, in particular – are currently less frequently taught.

Survey on creativity - Results

Creativity is undoubtedly one of the most important processes and blend of skills and attitudes that can help young people thrive in the world today. However, most respondents in this survey feel that there are not enough opportunities for creative activities in schools.

School Education Gateway user survey 2020 – Results

Each year we ask you how we can best provide information from across Europe and professional development opportunities that match your needs. The results of the 2020 School Education Gateway annual user survey showed that users are most interested in webinars and self-paced courses for online professional development. Read more in this summary of the findings!

Survey on the start of the school year after school closures - Results

It is indeed not back to “business as usual”: in our latest survey, only one in two respondents reported that teachers are fully back in the classroom, while stress for both teachers and pupils is also reported. Many feel that pupils have learning gaps and that vulnerable pupils need more support. However, some positive effects are reported, with pupils appreciating school more and developing new skills, and both teachers and students using digital tools more confidently.

Survey on climate education - Results

Schools should be responsible for teaching about climate change, but current curricula do not sufficiently address it, even though the subject can be easily integrated into subjects outside of the sciences and geography – that is, according to the results of our latest survey. Lack of training and resources are the key obstacles to teachers’ including the subject in lessons, while most respondents would support pupils who take action.