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European School Education Platform


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Projects (2794)

Through creating pizzas (real and imaginary), discovering how all the elements are needed as each individual in the World is needed to create a whole.

Each country presents local myths/tales or products to the other country. After the presentation, each country starts making logo's and poems about the things they heard. The home country then votes...

This project idea came for training the new etwinners teachers in Jordan from the team core (Dr.Njoud Alnanbeh and Huda Alsalem.Our students will embark on an exciting educational adventure exploring...

This project is intended to involve students of secondary schools who would like to share the experience of their every day life, their surroundings, passions and interests, as well as cultural...

Use of various graphic programs for technical industrial design The use of FREE software under LINUX - encouraging the use of OPEN SOURCE software

A sustentabilidade é um dos grandes objetivos a atingir da agenda 2030. Este ano comemora-se a década dos Oceanos, pelo que se pretende consciencializar os alunos para esta temática. Neste quadro de...

As long as humans have been on earth they have been creative and innovative – humans have invented things and made innovative solutions. In these years our nature and surroundings need some of the...

Copilăria este cea mai frumoasă perioadă din viaţa fiecăruia, reprezentând vârsta inocenţei şi a candorii. Copilăria este o lume fermecată și plină de mister! În realizarea acestui proiect am pornit...