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European School Education Platform

Let's Know Each Other

Etwinning Project - knowing each other, habbits, celebrations (state and national), food, wide-opened theme.... Sodelujoče države: Portugalska, Slovaška, Slovenija, Armenija Opombe: toliko učencev bi bilo v Sloveniji (približno). In English: The theme would be bright and wide-opened: - self-presentation of pupils, their hobbies and interests, - some lokal traditional food, - some lokal traditional habbits, - some folk songs from individualcountries, - some lokal calebrations, - some lokal cultural celebrations, - some describtion of lokal villages and towns or cities - some tipical plants from lokal place, 7 - some original creations of pupils weather on writing, art ... - comparison of individual local celebrations. In my opinion the title of the project is wide-opened so that's why I think there is enough place for many ideas and of course oportunity for it to run out all the scolastic year, I INVITE EVERYONE TO JOIN THIS PROJECT. WELCOME.
Created on
19 members


Armenia(5), Slovenia(4), Turkey(3), France(2), Malta(2), Slovakia(2), Poland(1)
Age range:
Subjects of teaching: