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European School Education Platform

Young Europeans dealing with product creation, design and marketing

The project will focus on the sense of invention among young European pupils enabling them to create a product for the use in every day life, to design this product, to study market chances and to realize a marketing campaign. Through this the project will enable teachers and pupils to perform their digital skills by using ITC based methodologies in communication, presentation, design and media. Further on teachers and pupils will learn essentials of project-management, evaluation of project-work and improve their practice of foreign languages. Due to the diversity of the schools taking part in the project and their respective profiles, all project partners will benefit from their specific excellence. The project includes also the support by external experts in technical design, in market studies, in marketing strategies - as far as needed. By comparing their ideas and first technical designs, the students will discover in how far they are similar or based on the specific culture
Created on
4 members


France(1), Poland(1), Spain(1), Portugal(1)
Age range:
Subjects of teaching: