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European School Education Platform

The figure of Medea from a plurilingual and pluricultural perspective

The idea is to analyze the figure of Medea in different languages and in a comparative way. The project pursues an innovative approach to the study of Medea, to the historical context of the different authors, to myth, to literary genres, to the different age in which occurred the reception, to impacts that had the character on modern European cultures. Is expected dramatization of part of the works in the different languages, which provides a rewriting of the text. The Medea inevitably recalls the theme of women, the representation made by man, the perception of others, the theme of infanticide, infidelity, family. The formation is enhanced by the contributions of stimuli from different linguistic and cultural regions of the European country. The ancient languages represent a starting point for discussion. The comparison and cooperation between countries of different contexts creates the opportunity to retrace the axis of values and also to analyze the deformations along the course of the centuries. Therefore strong is the link with the themes of citizenship.
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5 members


France(2), Spain(1), Belgium(1), Italy(1)
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