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European School Education Platform

U znanju raSTEM / In knowledge I grow

Projekt pod nazivom U znanju raSTEM osmišljen je s ciljem popularizacije znanosti među učenicima škole i zainteresiranom javnosti te poticanja kreativnosti učenika u području znanosti i tehnologije. Ovim projektom želimo približiti znanstvene sadržaje putem predavanja, radionica, znanstvenog sajma svima zainteresiranima. Da bi poboljšali ishode učenja i trajnost znanja primijeniti ćemo različite nastavne metode usmjerene na učenike i njihovu aktivnu ulogu u samom projektu. The project called In Knowledge I grow was designed with the aim of popularizing science among school students and the interested public and encouraging students' creativity in the field of science and technology. With this project, we want to bring scientific content closer through lectures, workshops, scientific fair to all interested parties. To improve learning outcomes and the permanence of knowledge, we will apply different teaching methods aimed at students and their active role in the project itself.
Created on
16 members
National Quality Label


Serbia(7), Croatia(4), North Macedonia(1), Turkey(1), Bosnia and Herzegovina(1), France(1), Slovenia(1)
Age range:
up to 3