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European School Education Platform
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Sustainable Solutions


Eco-Friendly Holiday Card Creations

Created by Helga KRALJIK
Last updated by Helga KRALJIK 7 months ago

Activity results:

Add the pictures of your students creating the Eco-friendly cards as well as the end results here.

Materials Needed:

  • Recycled or eco-friendly paper for card bases
  • Magazines or newspapers
  • Scissors
  • Glue or adhesive
  • Markers, colored pencils, or crayons
  • Stamps and ink pads (optional)
  • Decorative elements (such as ribbons, buttons, fabric scraps)


  1. Magazine Scavenger Hunt: students can bring in old magazines or newspapers
  2. Design Planning: students to brainstorm ideas for their cards and plan themes, color schemes, or creative combinations
  3. Material Selection: students can cut out images, patterns, or colors from magazines or newspapers to use as elements for their cards
  4. New Card Bases: provide recycled or eco-friendly paper for students to use as the base for their new cards. Or, they can use the back of the magazines or newspapers as a base
  5. Assembling: students to glue their selected elements onto the new card bases. They can experiment with layering, arrangement, and adding personal touches.
  6. Personalization:  students to personalize their cards further by adding hand-drawn designs, messages...
  7. Decorative Touches: use  things such as ribbons, buttons, or fabric scraps for students to add a final touch to their cards.

This activity promotes creativity and environmental awareness, using alternative materials for an engaging and eco-friendly experience. (task is AI assisted creation)