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European School Education Platform


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Projects (5)

The idea behind this project came from previous experience and observations within Erasmus+ project work. There has always been a stronger focus on the linguistic and cultural differences between us...

DLAB2 is inspired by the changemaker movement, which seeks to build the skills and attributes for individuals to find innovative solutions to society’s challenges. Two key themes are developing...

National Quality Label

Tell us your story about the beginning of your city, the most important monuments, dance, artists, fun facts, places, characteristic professions and other things in your area. Students prepare a...

Vi skal lære barna enkel koding, ved bruk av ulike roboter som: bee bot, blue bot og Lego education. Disse kan vi få til å tegne, ved å sette en penn bak. Vi kan også bruke apper som codewise, scratch...

This project is part of the general project dLAB (Digital Learning Across Boundaries) that aims at integrating technology in three domains of teaching: learning outdoors, STEM to STEAM and CLIL...