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European School Education Platform

Common Visions For the Future - Young environmentalists as great inspiring examples

Participants of the project will discuss the topic of climate change and how to protect the environment; further the emerging student-led climate movement for action (inspired by young environmentalists such as Greta Thunberg). We would like to actively engage our students in the discussion / workshops on climate change, their local possibilities for action and the resulting “voice” they can have on current global challenges. With the help of the design thinking method students will come up with a project tackling a local challenge (e.g. ban of plastic in school, exchange platform for leftover food, clothes, etc.) to learn that already small actions have a big impact on our common future on planet Earth. They should conduct it at school, in their local area, group of friends, family, etc. Making signs which will reminde people / us to change our habits. Visiting local organisations fighting climate change and political institutions; attending local protests against pollution etc.
Created on
8 members


Turkey(3), Bosnia and Herzegovina(2), Germany(2), Serbia(1)
Age range:
Vocational subjects of teaching: